Friday, October 31, 2008
Teenage jailed over grandma gangsta video.

An 18 year Florida teenager has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for coaxing his senile 85 years old grandma into making a gangsta rap video. In the video, the grandma was seen wearing an all black face mask, holding a gun, flashing some cash and uttering expletives.
To his defense, the kid said he got the idea from watching a gangsta DVD and thought his grandma would look good playing the role.
Give this kid some credit. Before he goes out into the real world and uses his skils, he has the presence of mind to practice his craft first with the ones close to him.
Original story in
Labels: teenager jailed for gangsta video featuring grandma.
Senator from North Carolina accuses rival of being godless.
Kay Hagan feels so offended by the allegation that she filled an application for the right to file a complaint within 20 days after the elections.
That's a choker for me. I thought everybody knew by now that all politicians were godless.
Original story in
Labels: Accusations of godless in North Carolina senate race.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Kim Jong - il reportedly hospitalized again.
Yesterday, Japan's Prime Minister told reporters MPs in Tokyo that Kim was probably in the hospital, but was still able to make decisions as North Korea's leader.
The chief of South Korea's National Intelligence Service also said yesterday that Kim was "not physically perfect", but still able to rule the country.
What an irony; here you have the leader of a country part of the axle of evil, not "physically perfect" but still able to rule his country, versus a "physically perfect" U.S. president unable to rule his country.
Original story in
Labels: Kim Jon - il back in the hospital.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Alaska GOP is pushing for the reelection of Ted Stevens.
Who can blame them? With the actual political and economic climates, trading some dignity for a senate seat seems to be an excellent deal.
Original story in
Labels: Convicted Ted Stevens is pursuing .
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sarah Palin says she returned part of the clothes.
Suddenly, this seems to be the clothes to nowhere.
Original story in
Labels: Sarah Palin returns part of expensive clothes
Monday, October 27, 2008
Automakers seeking a piece of the bailout pie.
It that goes through, people who lose their homes can at least get a loan for a new car and enjoys the new car smell.
Original story in
Labels: automakers looking to get a piece of the $700 billion rescue bill.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sarah Pailin $150,000 shoping spree.
Defending the expenses, McCain classified them expenses"as campaign accessories made on the fly because the governor needed new clothes to match climates across the 50 States."
Following that logic, shouldn't be 49 states given the fact that she may already have clothes to match Alaska's climate?
Original story in
Labels: Sarah Pailin shoping spree
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
India launches moon mission
If this mission is successful, the government will tackle the next one which is to feed all its people.
Original story in HoustonChronicle
Labels: India first moon mission
Friday, October 17, 2008
Madona is divorcing Guy Ritchie

Who can blame her? She wants to complete her Christmas shopping with a new Hubie before all the good ones are taken.
Original story in
Labels: Madona rumored to be divorcing Guy Ritchie
Thursday, October 16, 2008
After last night debate, Mc finally found a qualified running mate.
With less than three weeks until the elections and down in all national polls and in most states, John McCain introduced to the nation at last night debate, his new running mate: Joe the Plumber.
For more, see
Labels: Joe the Plumber, McCain new running mate
Second case of shark's virgin birth.

With two cases of virgin birth officially recorded, does it make sharks more religious than humans?
Original story in
Labels: A second case of shark's virgin birth recorded
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Internet search said to increase brain activity.
Yeah! I think when surfing the Net, older Americans' brain are on fire: should I open the AARP home page first or should I go to my favorite porn site.
Original story in
Labels: Surfing the Net may improve brain's activity
Bush announces U.S. will invest $250 billions into banks.
If I am made shareholder of these banks, does it means that my Christmas shoping bill is on Uncle Sam?
Original story
Labels: U.S. to buy $250 billion worth of shares in biggest banks.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
North Kotrea is removed from the terrorism blacklist.
Being the quick study he is, Osama Bin Laden threatened to stop eating Mac and Cheese until his name is taken off the terrorism blacklist.
Original story in
Labels: U.S. takes North Korea off terorrism blacklist
Sarah Pailin accused of abusing her gubernatorial powers.
Well, it seems like beside hunting, the Republican VP candidate has more things in common with Dick Cheney than previously thought.
Original story in
Labels: Governor Sarah Pailin abused the powers of her office.
Stocks record historical surge of more than 900 points.
After hearing the news, John McMcain triumphantly said at a rally in West Virginia that he knew the surge will succeed with general Petraeus at the helm of the economy.
Labels: Stocks rebound more than 900 ponts.
Monday, October 13, 2008
California will run out of money soon.
I have seen signs of that coming months ago when truck loads of Mexicans started bypassing California and went straight to the strips in Vegas.
Original story in
Labels: California, is running out of money
Friday, October 10, 2008
While being bailed out, AIG executives splurged.
Yeah! They were saying to themselves, "we could have spent that kind of money on ourselves had we known."
Original story in
Labels: AIG executives splurge with taxpayers money.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Foo Fighters against McCain playing their song at rallies
The Foo Fighters are the latest band to object to the use of their music by the McCain campaign at rallies.They are furious over the unauthorised use of their song "My Hero" which they say "was written as a celebration of the common man and his potential."
I know McCain has confessed not knowing much about computers or the economy. But apparently he does not know much about copy-rights either.
Labels: Foo Fighters urge McCain to stop using song at rallies.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Dallas Pacman Jones in fight with body guard.
You know you are a overzealous body guard when your client have to fight you for a little separation.
Labels: Dallas Cowboys Adam Jones in a fight with body guard
Monday, October 6, 2008
McCain intensifying attacks on Obama.
The subject in question here being the economy and how to fix it.
That should help draw a contrast between the Bush administration and a potential McCain's. If faced with issues he does not like, he will just change the subject.
Labels: Campaign 08, John McCain, ramping up personal attacks.
GOP wants to force an audit of Obama's campaign contributions.
Yeah! donations from people named Barack, Hussein, Ossama, Oscar etc.
Labels: Barack Obama, Campaign 08, campaign donations
Pope Benedict XVI finds pursuit of money and success pointless.

With the global financial crisis as a backdrop, Pope Benedict XVI took a shot at the core of capitalism, money and materialism by saying in a speech at the Vatican Sunday that "those who seek success, career or money, are building on sand." He went on to say that people should instead live their lives based on God's word.
I wonder where is God's word that Christians need to elect for life a Pope wearing gold studded clothing and hats and with the lifestyle of a King.
Original story in BBC News .
Labels: criticises capitalism, Pope Benedict XVI
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