Friday, August 29, 2008
MLB to start using replay.
Early this week, MLB announced its plan to begin using instant replay on home run calls starting this coming Thursday.As a footnote, MLB Commisioner announced that air mattresses, pillows and blankets will be included with every ticket to a ballgame.Labels: instant replay, MLB
Sarah Palin a surprise pick for VP.
In a rally yesterday in Dayton Ohio, Senator John McCain chocked the political world with the announcement of his VP pick, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.After weeks of speculations, the decision to pick a VP came down to this: she is an avid hunter and handle guns more safely.Labels: Campaign 08, McCain VP pick, Sarah Palin
Georgian delegation seeking Democrats' support.
In the background of the Democratic National Convention, a behind the scenes battle between Georgia and Russia took place with both sides trying to win support or understanding from the Democrats in the ongoing crisis between the two countries.After Denver, both sides are headed to Baghdad to ask Shiites and Sunnis, advices on how to get along. Labels: Democratic National Convention, Georgia-Russia crisis.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Cheerleaders miniskirts banned from the classrooms.
The school year is barely a week old in many parts of the country, but in Butler County Ohio, parents of cheerleaders at Monroe High School located in Cincinnati subburbs, are in mid-season form. They are fuming made over the decision this year of the school district, to require all skirts worn during school hours to be no shorter than three inches above the knees. Like innocent victims, the cheerleaders have been banned from wearing to classes or other schools' functions, their miniskirts which everybody knows, have been historically low.That decision is not taken well by those cheerleaders' parents some of which went on to say: "We have spent close to $500 on the uniforms and the girls have worked hard to earn the right to wear them at school."After stirring all this brouhaha, I am pretty sure those up-tight at the school district go home every night and get their news from the Fox News baby dolls wearing rags around their waists and baring it all.Labels: Cinncinnati, miniskirts revolt, Monroe High School
Ohio Governor opposed to paid sick-leave iniative.
Popular Ohio Democrat Governor Ted Strickland has took a stance against a November ballot initiative seeking to require employers to grant seven paid sick days leave per year to employees. The initiative would apply to Ohio employees working a minimum 30 hours a week for companies with at least 25 workers.But to his credit, the Governor says he is flexible to another initiative: unpaid death-leave.Labels: Ohio Governor, sick-leave iniative
63 years old sues AARP in Michigan.
In Michigan, a 63 years old former employee, is suing the AARP for what she perceived as an age discrimination because of her age. The women claims she lost her job in 2007 in a reorganization after more than 10 years working for the organization and being passed over for different positions because of her age. In an unrelated story, a former black employee of the NACCP is suing the organization for discrmination after getting fired for being too black.Labels: AARP, Michigan
Daddy Yankee endorses McCain.
Porto Rico native and reggaeton star Daddy Yankee has endorsed Senator John McCain early this week during an event at a High School in Phoenix Arizona.It is said that McCain was mostly impressed by Daddy Yankee smash hit from a few years ago, "Gasolina".He took the song title literally and thinks that it fits nicely with his call for more drilling. Little that he knows, the song refers to another kind of drilling. Has he really understood the true meaning of the song, I think McCain would have sought the endorsement of Grandaddy Yankee instead.Labels: Campaign 08, Daddy Yankee, John McCain
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Switzerland to hold referendum seeking SUVs. ban
In Switzerland, the efforts to ban off-road vehicles, SUVs and gas-guzzling sports cars, has picked some steam on Monday when the Young Green Party which spearheads the effort, announced that it has enough signatures to force a referendum on the issue within 18 months.Surprisingly, it seems like Swiss people are taking global warming way too seriously. What is not a surprise, in a speech at the Democratic Convention in Denver, Al Gore just declared that he is running for president of Switzerland. Labels: ban on SUV proposed., Switzerland
Amtrak train ran out of fuel.
On Sunday night, an Amtrak train from Los Angeles to San Diego, ran out of fuel, 15 miles from its destination and had to be pushed by another Amtrak train for the remaining distance.The trip, which normally takes two an a half hours, was finally completed in four hours.Commenting on the events, an Amtrak spokeswoman said: " It's not uncommon for trains to run out of fuel here."It's not uncommon for someone to commit double murder and get away with it there, either. Labels: Amtrak train run out of fuel, California
Men said to adopt far more than women.
A new federal survey found that overall, men adopt at twice the rate that women do. According to the study, one of the possible reasons for the trend is men adopting stepchildren after marrying women with kids from a previous relationship.But according to some men, the true is that when a man marries a women, he also adopts all of the women's different personalities. Labels: Men adopt more than women.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Search Ads getting hit by slow economy.
A recent survey by marketing firm Covario, showed that search ad marketing is not immune to the slow economy. The survey of 12 large tech companies found that last quarter, search ad spending rose by the smallest percentage since early 2007 when the survey was first started. The surprising news was that search ad spending with Yahoo by those 12 companies, was up while down with Google.Experts attribute the Yahoo uptick to its emerging year old Panama search ad service.When reached for a comment, a Google spokesperson simply said: "Believe it or not, we do give to charities." Labels: Google, Panama seearch ad, Yahoo
Iraqi leader pushing for withdrawal date.
In a recent speech, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki took a hard stance for a fixed date for the American troops withdrawal.That was a stark departure from previous positions and most notably, from the Bush administration which till lately, has consistently rejected any notion of time table.Speaking about the ongoing negotiations for a new agreement legalizing the American troops presence in Iraq after the United Nations mandate expires at the end of the year, al Maliki said: "It is not possible for any agreement to conclude unless it is on the basis of full sovereignty and the national interest, and that no foreign soldiers remain in Iraq soil after a defined time ceiling."Wow! It seems like the Iraqi are quick learners. Just a week after the Bush administration raised all hell for a Russian total withdraw from Georgia, Iraqi are demanding the same from the Americans now.Labels: Al- Maliki calls for timetable to U.S. troops withdraw., Iraq Prime Minister
Dr.Martin Luther King children sue each other.
Two of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr are being sued by their older brother who is the chairman and CEO of the King Center where they all serve. They are accused of establishing rivals foundations and using the Center for personal gain. The suit, which seeks an undisclosed amount of money, accuses the two siblings of "demonstrating bad faith, being stubbornly litigious and causing the Center unnecessary trouble and expense."But the two siblings being sued have already filed a suit against their oldest brother in July, trying to force him to open the books of their late father's estate.This is further proof that the King's dream has more than come to fruition when people in this great land are non longer judged by their color, but by the merit of their suits. Labels: Martin Luther King Jr children suing each other.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Obama stumping in Iowa.
Campaigning today in Davenport Iowa while the Democratic Convention is under way in Denver, Senator Obama addressed a crowd of mainly undecided voters, trying to squash Senator McCain attempt to portray him as to "risky." In his speech, he told the crowd that "the same folks who brought you George W. Bush, are now trying to sell you John McCain."Does not the lemon law apply to those folks?Labels: Campaign 08, Obama in Davenport Iowa
Democratic National Convention to start today.
The Democratic National Convention starts today in Denver, Colorado with great anticipation. Thousand of delegates are set to descend on the Mile High City for four days of revelry and parties.But the convention fever is not felt just in Denver. Wherever you may be in the country, you know it must be Convention time with all the good hookers gone to Denver, and the one available in your area, jacking up their prices.Labels: Democratic National Convention, hookers
Ape escapes and bites visitor at Cincinnati Zoo.
Last week, a man visiting the Cincinnati Zoo got attacked in the parking lot and bitten on the leg by an escaped 37 years old gibbon named Euell. Describing his attacker, the man said : "He was black, had like a white face, really long arms , and really, really big teeth."I think what the man forgot to mention is, the ape was wearing orange and black with # 15 on the back.Labels: Cincinnati Zoo, escaped ape
Friday, August 22, 2008
Chrysler to make some cars Wi-Fi hot spots.
Starting Monday, Chrysler is making Wi-Fi an option for some of its vehicles. A trunk mounted router produced by a small company called Autonet Mobile, will turn some models , into a travelling Wi-Fi hot spot.The system will cost $499 plus a $29-a- month subscription.Hey Chrysler, when are you going to start working on cars who hold their values for a while?Labels: Autonet Mobile, Chrysler, Wi-Fi
SAT Testing Company fails to impress British.
Educational Testing Service, one of the nation largest schoolchildren testing company, just lost a big contract in England after it missed a deadline for scoring more than one million standardized tests for British schoolchildren.ETS won the the contract to score what is called the national curriculum tests, back in February 2007. It is a series of exams given to 11 and 14 -year old and cover three subject areas: English, science and math.So, kids the next time you fail the SAT exam, don't blame yourself, blame the test administrator and ask to get out of it.Labels: Educational Testing Service, SAT exam
Bigfoot turned out to be Big Joke.
A California man who makes a living running a Bigfoot Web site, paid big money to a pair of men for what they touted as the frozen carcass of Bigfoot. But the defrosted carcass turned out to be nothing but a rubber suit covering a bunch of body parts from different animals. Now the promoter is threatening to press charge against the pair for what he calls a total scam.And we are all seeking to call up this guy and ask him to get a life.Labels: Bigfoot, frozen carcass
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Donald Trump to the rescue of Ed McMahon.
Ed McMahon , the longtime sidekick to comedian Jonhnny Carson who for months now has been fighting to save his multi million dollar Beverly home from foreclosure, has a new ally in Donald Trump. The real-estate mogul is reportedly negotiating a deal that could result in Mr Trump buying the first-lien mortgage on the house.If the deal goes through, the hope here is that the Donald doesn't fire the old man thereafter, just for the heck of it.Labels: Donald Trump, Ed McMahon, home foreclosure
Obama to text his supporters first with running mate choice.
Senator Obama is planning to introduce his running mate on Saturday at a big rally in Chicago. But before that big public apppearance, some of his supporters who signed on by giving their cell phone numbers, will receive the news first via text-message.
Not to be outdone, Senator McCain promised to inform his supporters by telegraph, when he is ready to announce.Labels: Campaign 08, VP annoucements
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Cincinnati Bengals resign Chris Henry.
The Cincinnati Bengals resigned talented but trouble prone wide receiver Chris Henry to a two years veteran minimum, yesterday. The decision to bring him back appears to come from the team president and owner, Mike Brown who has said he believes in second chance. But in the case of Chris Henry, this will be his sixth chance. He was released from the team back in April following his fifth arrest. Fans in Cincinnati are furious about the team latest decision.But to be fair to the team, fans should have seen that coming, because early this week, the team had announced that the county jail orange jumpsuit, would be their away uniforms.Labels: Chris Henry, Cincinnati Bengals
U.S.minorities to become majority.
According to a new government projection, U.S. minorities will become the majority by 2042 , eight years earlier than previously thought.After hearing that, Senator Barack Obama is rumored to beging forming an exploratory committee for the 2044 presidential elections.Labels: Barack Obama, U.S. minority to become majority
Beijing Etiquette Book.
Worried about having the perfect Olympics possible, Chinese officials have printed and distributed an etiquette book to Beijing residents prior to the start of the Games. The book outlines what are good manners and the basics of some foreign customs and even some fashion pointers. Among the no-no's: wearing more than three colors shades in an outfit, white socks with black shoes, and pajamas and slippers in public.I know New York to be the most trend forward city in the world, but I am not worried about the trend consisting of walking in public with pajamas and slippers catching on there , because most the people I know there, slip naked anyway.Labels: etiquette book., Olympics Games
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
LA Hospitals use homeless to defraud medicare.
Following a whistle blower, an investigation has revealed a scheme in which some LA area hospitals sent ambulances and vans onto the streets and load them with recruited homeless people, who would be brought to those facilities for bogus treatments or no treatments at all. Those hospitals would then bill federal and state health insurance programs for their"services".Only in LA can somebody without a job and a roof over his head , have health coverage that comes with concierge service.Labels: homeless scheme, LA
Monday, August 18, 2008
Olive Garden embarrassed by playboy model's love.
Kendra Wilkinson, a Playboy cover model and one of Hugh Hefner live-in girlfriends, has a overtly deep love for Olive Garden that is causing the Italian restaurant chain to blush. The high profile model has confessed her love for the eatery anytime she has a chance. Despite all her public display of affection , the restaurant chain has shied away and distanced itself from her.This makes you think: The "When you're here, you're family" claim, should have an asterisk next to it.Labels: Olive Garden, Playboy Model
Foreclosure prevention workshop at gillette Stadium.
Last week, hundreds of homeowners lined up inside Gillette Stadium home of the New England Patriots to be part of a mass foreclosure prevention workshop co-sponsored by the Boston Federal Reserve bureau. The event was held as the number of foreclosures was still growing according to the Boston Federal Reserve. By the way, to show how serious they were in nipping this growing problem in the butt, the organizers told the participants that a good start would be to give up their beloved New England Patriots season tickets. Just kidding.Labels: Mass Foreclosure prevention workshop
Inmates serve as firefighters in California.
Facing record wildfires since late June, California fire officials have been enrolling inmates from the state's prisons to fight those fires. It is said to have 4000 of them contributing three million hours and saving the state more than $80 million a year.No wonder those fires are not going away.Labels: California, inmates firefighters
Friday, August 15, 2008
Google being sued in India for defamation.
In India, a Small construction equipment company is suing the mighty Google through its subsidiary Google India Private Ltd for defamation. The case arises when a blogger in India using Google's Blogger service, posted some negatives writings about the company concerning its business dealings in the African country called Mozambique, earlier this year. In February, the company in question filed a suit against the Google affiliate, trying to force it to reveal the identity of the blogger. A Bombay High Court deemed the suit has merit and ordered the blog taken down with the deadline to reveal the blogger's identity within the next four weeks. The blog has been taken down, but the Google affiliate has still not revealed the blogger ID.To that Indian company, a little piece of advice: instead of fighting a lonely blogger, how about working on your Google ranking in search results? Apparently you have too match time in your hands and very few business.Labels: Google, India defamation lawsuit
T-Mobile to be the first to offer Google's smartphone.
T-Mobile has been chosen to be the first carrier to offer a mobile phone powered by Google's Android software. The phone to be manufactured by HTC , one of the world largest makers of mobile phones, is expected to go on sale in the United States before Christmas, or as early as October. The high-end phone said to match many of the capabilities of Apple's iphone and other smartphones, is drawing a lot of excitements among gadgets aficionado who call it the "dream".Yeah, with Google presence in our lives ever expanding, those folks are dreaming that the day when Gooogle will come up with a gadget to help them get a date, is very near.Labels: Android, Google, smartphone
Thursday, August 14, 2008
New fingerprint test can reveal more than identity.
Researchers at Purdue University have discovered how a laboratory technique called mass spectrometry, can be used to analyse fingerprints and reveal more than just a person's identity, but also what the person has been touching: drugs, explosives or poisons etc.It would be interesting to see what our politicians fingerprints would reveal.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tiffany is appealing ruling favorable to eBay.
Luxury jeweler, Tiffany is appealing a favorable ruling to eBay, rendered by a U.S. District Judge last month. In that ruling, the judge decided that trademark holders like Tiffany, bear the main responsibility for monitoring eBay's auction site for counterfeit goods. He also went to say that eBay responsibility stops in removing such listed items once flagged by Tiffany as counterfeit.In other words, Tiffany is not only responsible for catching shoplifters at its stores, but for patroling eBay for any quickie.Labels: ebay, Tiffany
Archdiocese of Cincinnati releases touching rules.
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati just released its fifth annals decree of interaction rules between adults working for the Church and children. This year decree contains a lenghty details of appropriate and inappropriate touching between those adults and the kids.Here is a sample of acts that would be inappropriate: lying down, cuddling, being in bed with a child, tickling, massages etc.Man, does Michael Jackson works for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati now?Labels: Archdiocese of Cincinnat, Michael Jackson, touching rules
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Some upset eBay sellers are moving elsewhere.
Unhappy with changes made by eBay this past February to the fees it charges and the vendors rating system, some merchants who once used the online-auction site exclusively, are diversifying the services they use to list their inventories. Those are mainly niche sites like Wigix Silkfair, Etsy etc. They charge less, or nothing at all and offer more support, like tutorial videos.If this trend continues, the giant may soon finds itself naked.Labels: ebay, upset merchants
Iranians fed up with power shortages.
For most of this Summer, Iranians have faced daily power cuts lasting as long as two hours with temperature near 100 degrees. The power shortages have affected everything with very long lines frequently seen outside gas stations and banks, while productivity has been down. The situation has most people in Iran wondering how is it possible that their country with the world second largest oil and gas reserves, can suffers such shortages? A McCain spokesperson responded by saying this is just a prelude of things to come.Labels: Iran power shortages
India win first olympic gold medal in nearly thirty years.
India won an Olympics gold medal Monday for the first time in nearly thirty years when one of its representatives came out on top of the 10-meter air rifle competition, beating competitors from China and Finland. The nation of more than one billion, celebrated the win , led by its Prime Minister. After such a drought , India is rumored to lobby the International Olympic Committee to make outsourcing an Olympic category.Labels: India's first gold Olympic gold medal, Olympics Games
U.S. womeen basketball team try to be nice in blowout of China.
On Monday, the U.S. women's basketball team blew out China with a final score of 108-63 ;the score was already 61-27 at half time. But with such dominance, the U.S. team had a dilemma : How to manage the blowout and stay with the Olympic spirit? The team did it the best way it knew how by having two of its best players, Candace Parker and Sylvia Fowles come off the bench. China could have avoided that embarrassment by suiting a team made of men; who would have known?Labels: Olympics Games, U.S. blewout China
Monday, August 11, 2008
Presidential candidates spare over Georgia crisis.
Continuing his attacks against Obama, McCain accused Barrack Obama of "siding with Russia" in the crisis between that country and Georgia.In an unrelated note, with him having the campaign trail to himself while Obama is taking the week off and vacationing in Hawaii, McCain is accusing him of causing his boredom.Labels: Campaign 08, georgia crisis
A former Edwards aide claims to be the baby's father.
With Edwards denying to be the father of his ex lover's baby, a former aide of his campaign is claiming responsibility, even there is no father's name listed on the baby's birth certificate.How such confusion and mismanagement can come from someone who recently run for the highest office in the land? Labels: John Edwards
John Edwards admitts affair.
On Friday, former Senator and Democratic presidential nominee hopeful, John Edwards admitted that the long running rumors of him having an affair with a former campaign aid, were true. He went on to say : "...If you want to beat me up, feel free .You cannot beat me up more than I have already beaten up myself. I have been stripped bare and will now work with everything I have to help my family and others who need my help."I think the guy is still in cloud nine; he is busted for having an affair, and he could not come up with better wordings in his first statement than "been stripped bare." Labels: John Edwards
Signs that your Senator is having an affair
1. His answering machine prompts you to look under his desk if you want to reach an operator.2. He signs all correspondences to his constituents with this question : Who's your Daddy?3. He stopped having $400 hair cut and started going for $800 ones.4. In a speech on the Senate floor, he kept repeating the term "the two women", while he really means to say "the two Americas." 5. In an televised debate, he calls his opponent "sweetie."6. He called the company that runs ezpass and ask them for advices on ezaffair.7. He owns the entire DVD collection of the Maury Show.8. He likes multitasking so much that he does it in his sleep.9. He stopped telling the mills factories story and instead started telling the story of how the chopsticks mark got on his shirt.10. When at home alone, he could be seen through the windows, jumping on his couch. 11. He rather locks himself in a hotel bathroom than answer reporters' questions.12. He looks too well put for a senator.
President Bush attends church in China.
On Sunday, President Bush attended church in Beijing. After the service, he stood outside and demanded the Chinese government to allow more religious freedom to its people.But before exiting the church, he was asked to put his wallet containing the U.S.' trade credit card , on the collection plate.Labels: Bush visit, Olympics Games
Olympics Protests.
The Olympics in China have been the focal point of so many activists protesting about anything from religious freedom, human rights,Tibet to Darfur. The China government has been so overwhelmed that it was forced to designate three zones for protesters far from the main events. And to make matters worse, would be protesters have to apply for a permit; so far, very few if any, has been successful in obtaining one.Yeah! It seems like one of the stumbling block is this question in the questionnaire: "Dude, where is your receipt for the Communist Party dues?"Labels: Olympics Games, protests
Debate is in the air at games.
During a morning workout, some USA track and field team members were engaged in a vivid debate over the tick air above. And one was heard saying: "I thing it's fog , if it was smog , I would have tasted it ."I think the athlete in question is from California and has had smog for lunch as far as he can remember.Labels: Olympics Games, smog
Swimming pool politics
An Iranian swimmer pulled out a race Saturday just minutes before it was to begin among reports that he did it in protest of the presence of an Israeli swimmer in the pool.The Iranian officials denied the rumors saying he puled out because of illness. Regardless, the International Olympic Committee is investigating and threatening sanctions if the allegations are proven true.Upon hearing the news , President Bush who was at the games said: " Good luck with that." Labels: Iran controversy, Olympics Games
Ausralia delegation criticized over choice of colors.
Critics have been swirling in Australia over the country Olympic delegation choice of blue and silver colors over its traditional green and gold. But some officials with the team defended the choice as an welcome change and athletes said they loved it.Or maybe the officials are downgrading their expectations for medals and are sending a subtle message by switching from gold to silver.Labels: Australia delegation, Olympics Gmes
Disabilities groups calling for a boycott of Tropic Thunder.
A coalition of disabilities groups is calling for a boycott of DreamWorks upcoming movie, "Tropic Thunder" on the premise of what the groups call "the movie's open ridicule of the intellectually disabled."Led by the chairman of the Special Olympics Timothy P. Shriver, the groups have planned to picket the premiere of the movie today in Los Angeles.Maybe instead of actors, the studio should have used real intellectually disabled people and cut them a fat check. Labels: DreamWorks, Tropic Thunder the movie
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Things heard at the interview for Ben Laden new driver.
1. Don't expect a pay check on Friday; you will be rewarded with 85 virgins after death.2. We do not have a 401 K plan; we have a AK 47 plan.3. Can you goat sit when I am away?4. Can you arrange for me to go on a hunting trip with Dick Cheney?5. Can you get me Pamela Anderson cell phone number?6. Can you make this year the one when I finally attend the White House Christmas party?7. Can you find me a time share for my old cave ?8. Can you convince Starbucks that my neighborhood is a good location for their millionth store?9. Can you go through waterboarding without spilling a secret?10.How well do you tolerate flatulence?11. Can you book me on the Mokhtar Letterman Show?12. What is the costs of living in hell?
Friday, August 8, 2008
Detroit Mayor lands in jail after trip.
Detroit Mayor Kwame M. Kilpatrick was sent to jail yesterday by a judge as a punishment for violating the terms of his bond. The violation stems from a trip he made on July 23 to Ontario, Canada without court approval as required by his bond.Mr Kilpatrick is awaiting trial for perjury after text messages uncovered by the Detroit press appeared to contradict previous testimonies given in court in an unrelated case, that him and his former chief of staff were not having an affair.As a man who likes to text so much, now that he is in jail, he will have a chance "to get more bars in one place."Labels: Detroit Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick
President Bush joints in the critics of China.
In China to attend the opening ceremonies of the Olympics Games, President Bush joined the chorus of critics over its poor human rights records and urged China to "let people say what they think."At the same time in Washington, Vice President Dick Cheney was seen backing two NASA scientists in a corner and forcing them to eat up their latest findings on global warming.Labels: Olympics Games, protests
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Legislatures race to ban time-share for Dogs.
Lawmakers and animal rights group have scored some important victories in their battle to ban shared ownership of pets which has seen services like Flexpetz trying to capitalize on the new trend. Early last month, the Boston City Council unanimously passed an ordinance prohibiting the renting of dogs. It was followed by the Massachusetts state legislature with a similar bill, yet to be signed.For consolation, people in Boston can still rent a car and treat it like a dog. Labels: Massachusetts, Pet rental banned in Boston
Forclosed on victims leave behind stash of porn.
Police in a Cincinnati suburban were called on a vacant foreclosed on home by cleaning crew who uncovered a trove of pornography material . According to witnesses, some of the items found date back to the mid 70s and included pictures, slides, Betamax videotapes, VHS tapes, floppy disks and some videography equipments.With such devotion to porn , no wonder the occupants of that house didn't have time to take care of anything else. Labels: Forclusure porn
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Massive cleanup in anticipation of Games.
In anticipation of the Olympic Games starting this Friday, Chinese authorities have engaged in a massive cleanup of Beijing. They have expelled thousand of migrant workers from their makeshifts houses and send homeless residents to relief centers outside the city.Hookers and prostitutes have been rounded up and loaned to Wal-Mart at below market rates .Labels: Beijing Olympic, massive clean up
President Bush in Bejing as a sport fan.
Given all the expectations that his presence at the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games is generating for human rights activists, president Bush is trying hard to depict his visit as an "apolitical celebration of the the Olympic spirit and American sportsmanship."Yeah! you show American sportsmanship by looking the other way when score of political and human rights activists are rounded up and driven out of town or put in jail.Labels: Beijing Olympic, Pesident Bush
Bush to meet with South Korea Leader
In his first stop of his Asian tour, president Bush is scheduled to take part in a summit Wednesday with South Korea president Lee Myung-bak. Given the recent backlash over the proposition to resume the import of American beef, it is safe to say that beef will not be on the menu at the summit.Labels: president Asian visit., U.S. Beef
Iran ignores deadline, issues warnings.
A couple of days after ignoring a deadline by xix world powers including the U.S. to stop enriching uranium, Iran on Monday issued a warning that it could easily close the Persian Golf waterways crucial to oil shipments. It also said that it has a new long range naval weapon capable of sinking enemy ships from 200 miles away.After hearing the warnings, the U.S.A which has ships deployed in the golf, moved them 201 miles away from the new weapon . Labels: Iran nuclear stand off
Hearing loss more widespread than thought.
In the current issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers found that hearing loss among Americans may be more widespread than previously thought. An interesting fact, men were more than five times as likely as women to have hearing loss.After learning about the study, married or in a relationship, men everywhere printed the results, framed them and hang them in every room of their home.Labels: Archives of Internal Medicine, hearing loss
Monday, August 4, 2008
Drugs & Sex For Sale 24/7
A man in Cincinnati, fed up with endless drug-dealing and prostitution on his street, ordered and deployed on his apartment building a huge multicolor sign that reads: "Drugs & Sex For Sale 24/7 ", trying to bring City leaders' attention to the dire situation that his neighbors and him are in.What is this guy next goal ? To deploy a banner that reads: "Sincitynati" at the city entrance ?Labels: Drugs, Sex for sale 24/7
Friday, August 1, 2008
Wal-Mart warns against a Democratic win.
It is reported that Wal-Mart is mobilizing its store managers and supervisors around the country and warning them about the consequences of a Democratic win in November. According to the retail giant, "if Democrats win power in November, they'll likely make it easier for workers to unionize across companies , including Wal-Mart."Otherwise, if Democrats gain power in November, they will make Wal-Mart employees more like U.S. workers, and less like Chinese labor.Original Story in
WSJ.comLabels: Campaign 08, Wal-mart warning
New exercise drug create doping fear.
The announcement of the discovery of two new drugs with the potential to enhance physical endurance, is already fueling fear among anti-doping agencies, that it may be abused by competitive athletes. Reacting to those sentiments, GlaxoSmith-Kline which developed one of the drugs tested on couch potato mice, said that if athletes put their hands on the drug , "they won't be getting it from us."Some athletes determined to put their hands on the new drug, said they know a couple of mice willing to trade their for some cheese.Labels: doping, Exercise Drugs
New pills give same benefits as excercise.
Researchers at the Salk Institute in San Diego have announced that they have found two drugs that gave athletic endurance to couch potato mice. One drug known as Aicar , increased the sedentary mice's endurance on treadmill by 44 % after just four weeks; the second drug known as GW1516, increased the mice's endurance by 75 % when combined with exercise.After hearing the news, couch potato everywhere convened , elected a commissioner and put out their regular season calendar.Labels: Exercise Drugs
Philadelphia Eagles' drama.
It is only the first week of training camp, but the Philadelphia Eagles' have already multiples blockbusters : one marquee player is threatening to leave, another one is a non show and another one is asking for a trade.But there is a silver lining : none of the attractions features Andy Reid's famous sons, fortunately.Labels: N.F.L, Philadelphia Eagles
Brett Favre Watch.
NFL Commissioner decided on Thursday to delay Brat, oops , Brett Favre reinstatement petition until at least Friday afternoon, giving both parties in the controversy, more time to broker a deal. In the meantime, the Packers are said to be considering paying Favre awesomely to stay retired and away from the team.The lesson here for all you brats out there , hang on tight on your ransom demand to your family for the latest must have gadget.Labels: Brett Favre, GreenBay Packers, NFL
Massachusetts to allow out of states gay couples to marry.
On Thursday , Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick signed a bill repealing a 1913 law that prevented out -of -state residents from marrying there if their home states would not recognize the union. The new bill coupled with the decision in May by New York governor to allow all state agencies to recognize gay marriages performed in other states, have experts predicting a flux of marriage hopeful gay New Yorkers , to Massachusetts. Finally, years after trading the Babe to New York , Massachusetts is getting something back.Labels: gay marriage, Massachusetts
Same-sex couples to receive Medicaid benefits.
Also on Thursday , Massachusetts became the first state allowing same-sex married couples to receive Medicaid benefits even though same-sex marriages are still a no-no under the federal law. That will force the state to cough up the dough.So all things seem well then : If uncle Sam does not want to pay, uncle Sammy will pick up the tab. Labels: gay benefits, Massachusetts
Small Georgia town buy a Strip Club.
The town of Lavonia , 90 miles Northeast of Atlanta has spent $1 million to buy a strip club called Cafe Risque which opened in 2001. Since then , the city has tried many times to shut it down, unsuccessfully. After the owner died in 2006, the city started the process of buying it. Soon after buying it , the city ordered the club's signs to be taken down and burned in a large bonfire on site.Yeah , as you can imagine, some city council members who used to patronize the club, called the city's actions , "the biggest most ridiculous waist of public money ever."Labels: Georgia, Lavonia, Strip Club
Ice is located on Mars by Phoenix Lander.
After further tests of ice samples found in June on Mars by the Phoenix Lander , NASA scientists said they have definitive proof that water exists on Mars. The whole point of whether water is present on Mars , is to support the theory that life exists or ever existed there.Without wasting any time , Senator Clinton formed an exploratory committee for a possible run in the next Mars Presidential elections.Labels: Mars Phoenix Lander, NASA

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