Friday, April 30, 2010
Arizona wants to pass a bill requiring Obama to show his birthcertificate.
Now how about a national ballot to decide if Arizona is worthy to keep in the Union?
For more, see
Labels: 2012 ballot, 2012 elections, Arizona lawmakers, Arizona legislature., Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, birther bill, birther movement, born in the USA, President Obama birth certificate
Thursday, April 29, 2010
GOP Senators agree to end stalmate and start the debate for financial reform.
In others words, they have agreed to have a public disagreement.
For more, see
Labels: filibuster, financial reform bill, financial regulation, Republican filibuster, senate floor debate, Senate Minority leader., senate Republicans, Wall Street reform, Wall Street reform bill
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Blagojevich wants President Obama subpoenaed for his trial.
Some legal experts equate that attempt to a hail marry pass disguised as an onside kick.
For more, see the
Labels: Blago trial., Blogohevich corruption trial, Blogojevich asks for a subpoena, Former Illinois governor Rod Blogojevich, President Obama subpoena, President Obama wanted at Blogojevich trial
Monday, April 26, 2010
SEC officials accused of watching porn while Wall Street was collapsing.
Hard to believe that anyone had fun watching the market collapse and not panick.
For more, see
Labels: downloading pornography, financial meltdown, Google images, porn at the SEC, pornography, SEC, SEC and porn, watching porn at the SEC.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Democrats and Republicans square over financial regulation reform.
There you have it. When it comes to good drama, Hollywood is no match to Washington.
For more, see
Labels: American taxpayer, bailout, derivatives reform, financial reform bill, presdential veto, Republican filubuster, Sen Chris Dodd, senate majority leader., too big to fail, Wall Street financial reform
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Flights resume over Europe, but thousand still stranded.
As a result of airports tightly packed with thousand of travelers for days it's no surprise that a lot of false of underwear bombers cases have been filed by travelers overcame by the aroma in the air.
For more, see
Labels: airline travel disruptions, booking a flight to Europe., Europe travel, Eyjafjallajokull volcano, flights to Europe, Island volcano, traveling in Europe, volcanic ash
Volcanic ashes still strand thousand of air travelers in much of Europe.
But in a shameless non surprising move, Osama Bin Laden released a new video taking credit for the travel disruptions.
For more, see
Labels: airline travelers, alternative travel routes, British airspace, Europe airspace, Eyjafjallajokull volcano, stranded airlline travelers, volcanic eruption in Iceland
Monday, April 19, 2010
The SEC charges Goldman and Sachs with securities fraud.
Wow!what accomplishment! Finally the SEC catching up with these Wall Street bad boys.
For more, see
Labels: collateralized debt obligation, Goldman shares, hedge fund, Paulson and Co., SEC charges Goldman and Sachs, securities fraud, Wall Street crisis
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The U.S. to pay $55.8 per seat to hitch a flight aboard Russian Soyouz.
That begs the question:does it include in flight meals or will American astronauts have to bring their own launch bag too?
For more, see
Labels: astraunots, cosmonauts, in flight meals, International Space Station, launch bag, retired space shuttles, Russian Soyouz, Soyouz, space program., space shuttles, training and support services
Monday, April 12, 2010
Afghan President Hamid Karzai is said to threaten to joint the Taliban.
With the U.S. economy still in the tank, it seems like it the guy is ready to ditch the dollar for a sure supply of opium.
For more, see the
Labels: Afghan elections, Afghan war, Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai, Karzai criticises the U.S., Taliban, U.S. allies in Afghanistan
Friday, April 9, 2010
Scam artists are trying to profit from the passage of the health care bill.
Who said that the new health care bill was a small business killer?
For more, see
Labels: Health and Human Services Secretary, health care fraud., health care reform bill, health care scam artists, Kathleen Sebelius, new health care bill, scam artists
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Iranian President mocks Obama's new nuclear policy.
Ultimately he said, " After President Bush's eight years use of all the "nucular," we here in Iran don't think there is any nuclear weapons left in the U.S. arsenal.
For more, see
Labels: Iran nuclear ambitions, Iran policy, Iran sanctions, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, nuclear bomb, nuclear enrichment, nuclear fuel., nuclear weapons, nucular, President Obama, U.S. arsenal
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Chrysler is said to expect to break even this year.
Achieving that goal should be a non-brainer: just stop making that awful PT Cruiser.
For more, see
Labels: 2011 car models., auto sales, car sales incentives, chapter 11 bankruptcy, Chrysler, Chrysler bankruptcy, Chrysler PT Cruiser, Detroit Big Three, New York cars show, U.S. auto sales
Monday, April 5, 2010
Pope Benedict XVI named as defendant in lawsuit against Church.
It is said that the Vatican is already mounting an aggressive legal defense that it hopes will shield the Pope against the claims of negligence.
There strategy? They said they Googled Kentucky and could not see it on the Internet.
For more, see
Labels: Chatolic Church, church sex abuses, church sex scandal, Kentucky church lawsuit., Kentucky lawsuit, legal defense, Pope Benedict XVI, the Pope, Vatican, Vatican legal defense
Friday, April 2, 2010
Karl Rove heckled at book signing in California.
Given what unfolded in California, I think the book is already due for a makeover to be titled: "Consequence for Lack of Courage."
For more, see
Labels: anti-war group, Beverly Hills book signing, Code Pink, Courage and Consequence, former President Bush, Iraq war protesters, Karl Rove, Karl Rove book signing, members of Code Pink.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Large Hadron Collider finally smashes its proton beams.
In unrelated news, President Obama was still beaming from the passage of the health care reform, or as the Republicans put it, our 3 trillion Collider.
For more, see
Labels: Big Bang Theory, Geneva, giant $10 billiion particle accelerator, Large Hedron Collider, secrets of the universe., smashing of the proton beams, Swiss
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