Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Cargill Meat Solutions recalls close to 10,000 pounds of ground beef.
A twisted mind would think that there is a conspiracy behind all this food recalls to force American people to finally loose weight by scarring them to death about the safety of the food that they are eating.
For more, see CNN.com
Labels: Cargill Meat Solutions, E.coli, eggs recal, food contiminnation, ground beef recal, latest food recal, salmanela., U.S. Department of Agriculture
Monday, August 30, 2010
Glenn Beck Restore Honor rally draws a big crowd.
One has to wonder if Glenn Beck knew God before President Obama moved in the White House.
For more, see latimes.com
Labels: 2012 presidential elections, fox news, Glenn Beck, I Have a dream, Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King Jr, mid term elections, National Mall., Restore Honor Rally, Sarah Palin, Washington DC march
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
GOP minority Boehner calls for the firing of Obama's entire economic team.
How about firing stupid politicians who put us in this hole in the first place and now are clamoring to go back to their old ways?
For more, see WashingtonPost.com
Labels: 2008 recession, economic recovery, GOP, John Boehner, Larry Summers, nation unemployment, nation unemployment rates, Tim Geithner
Monday, August 23, 2010
An exclusive gays resort to open in New York City.
Yeah! It was about time to bring New York into the 21st century.
For more, see NewYorkTimes.com
Labels: gay and lesbiab entertainment., gay and lesbian tourism, gay and lesbian travelers, gay community, gay hotel, gay resort, gays nightlife, New York City gays resort, Out NYC Urban Resort
Friday, August 20, 2010
Study finds that teen sex may not hurt grades after all.
not all teens who have sex have lower grades as a result.
However, another source found that if students simply "hook up" and have casual sex, their grades do tend to be lower.
It seems like those teachers hitting on their students knew something that the rest of us didn't.
For more, see Time.com
Labels: American Sociological Association, sexually transmitted diseases, teens pregnancy, teens sex, teens sex and grades, teens sex and lower grades, teens sex study.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
New jobless claims rose to their highest levels in six months.
Could it be that that Jet Blue flight attendant has started a trend and that workers everywhere are deploying their emergency chutes to bailout of their jobs and start filling unemployment paper?
For more, see TheAssociatedPress.com
Labels: finding a job, hirings., job seekers, looking for jobs, nation unemployment rates, Recession, unemployment benefits, unemployment claims, unemployment rates
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
One single juror refused to find Rod Blagojevich guilty of corruption.
In her mind, "there were no smoking gun, just political talks."
See you dumb criminal out there! Before you embark in your next crime spree, better hold a public office first.
For more, see BBCNews.com
Labels: Blagojevich jury verdict, Blagojevich mistrial, Blagojevich retrial., Blagojevich trial, former Illiinois governor Rod Blagojevich, lone juror, verdict in Rod Blagojevich trial.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Inda joins natiions threatening to shut down BlackBerry services.
A shut down from India should be easy: just ask them to pay their employees at call centers there the minimum wave.
For more, see CNN.com
Labels: BlackBerry encryption system, BlackBerry services, Emirat Arab country and BlackBerry, encrypted messages, Indiia to shut down BlackBerry services, RIM., U.E.A threatens to shut down BlacBerry
Monday, August 16, 2010
Rod Blagojevich case is deadlocked in all but two counts.
This must be the only two counts the jury agreed on: his hair and his tongue.
For more, see latimes.com
Labels: cooruption trial, former Illiinois governor Rod Blagojevich, jury deadlocked in Rod Blagojevich case, Rod Blagojevich hair, Rod Blagovich corruption trial, verdict in Rod Blagojevich trial.
Friday, August 13, 2010
New York Mets closer arrested after assaulting his father in law.
Was his soon to be father in law wearing the opponent's uniform?
For more, see usatoday.com
Labels: Citi Field, criminal assault, father in law, Francisco Rodriguez, Mets closer, Mets tickets, MLB, MLB playoffs race., New York Mets, New York Mets season
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tiger Woods' struggle makes him look for some help with his swing.
Get his swing back? Oh boy! Did he ever need a coach for that?
For more, see USAtoday.com
Labels: golf swing coach, Hank Haney, PGA, PGA Championship, Sean Foley., swing, Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods return, Tiger Woods scandal
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Katy Griffin is reportedly courting Levi Johnston
After making a living from the D-List, this will guarantee her a retirement in the L-List if they effectively connect.
For more, see MTV.com
Labels: Brsitol Palin, celebrities weddings, Hollywood celebrities, Hollywood mariages, Katy Griffin, Levi Johnston, My Life on the D-list, Sarah Palin, Teen Choice Award.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Jet Blue fliight attendant deploys emergency chute and bails out of plane.
This guy deserves an Oscar for the best ever way to quit a job.
For more, see ABCnews.com
Labels: airline fliight attendant, airplane emergency exit, emergency chute, fed up flight attendant., Jet Blue, Jet Blue incident, Steven Slater
Monday, August 9, 2010
Wyclef Jean to run for President of Haiti.
At first, I was a little sceptical but then I got back to my senses and remembered that just not long ago, Sarah Pallin was running for President of the United States.
For more, see newsyahoo.com
Labels: earthcake relief., Fugees, Haiti earthcake, Haiti presidential elections, Haiti relief, Wyclef Jean, Wyclef Jean to run for President, YEle
Friday, August 6, 2010
Rudy Giuliani's daughter caught shoplifting.
You know the economy is bad when a former Presidential candidate's daughter is caught shoplifting.
For more, see nbcnewyork.com
Labels: cosmetics, Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, lipstics., Rudy Giuliani, Sephora, shoplifting
Thursday, August 5, 2010
A Rod finally hit home run number 600.
To celebrate, he borrowed a Lady Gaga outfit and went for a wild night out.
For more, see nydailynews.com
Labels: A- Rod, A-Rod hit home run 600, A-Rod number 600, Alex Rodriguez, home run number 600, New York Yankees, Shaun Marcum, Toronto Blue Jays., Yankee Stadium
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
North Korean national socer team is publicly shamed after disapointing tournament.
Yankees players should exhale a deep sight of relief that the Boss is no longer around to take inspiration from the North Koreans.
For more, see USAtoday.com
Labels: FIFA World cup, North Korea national team, North Korea national team is shamed., North Korea Workers Party, South Africa 2010, world cup tournament
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Ellen DeGeneres to leave American Idol.
Is it because the contestants were not gay enough for her? Just asking.
For more, see MTV.com
Labels: American Idol, American Idol judge, contestant sues Simon Cowell., Elen De Generes, season ten American Idol
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