Saturday, May 30, 2009
Microsoft launches Bing a new search engine.
The first experts to try out the new service do not know what to make of it. Is it Bingo missing an O ? Or Bling missing a L ?
For more, see
Labels: Bing, Google, Microsoft, Search Engine
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Credit Cards reform bill allows guns in parks.
Despite it's boldness, consumers advocate groups are not very impressed by the new bill and here is their argument: If the government was really serious about protecting consumers, it would have allowed them to carry guns to Wall Street instead of national parks.
For more, see
Labels: credit card reform bill, guns in national parks, U.S. Congress
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Congress votes to allow guns in parks.
Feeling left out, fans in Detroit are calling for a law allowing them to carry guns to the Ball park just in case they need to shoot those Lions when they suck.
For more, see the
Labels: Detroit Lions, guns in national parks, National Parks, NFL, U.S. Congress
Friday, May 22, 2009
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is considering selling some of California Landmarks.
I find that two pieces are missing in Arnold's list: The Los Angeles Clippers and Jay Leno's chin.
For more, see
Labels: Arnold Schwarzenegger, budget shortage in California., California, California budget deficit, California Governor
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Delaware to legalize sport betting.
But according to some unofficial reports, bettings on when Joe Bidden, the state most famous native son will stick his foot on his mouth, are always welcome.
Labels: Bidden gaffes, Delaware, Joe Biden, Sports betting, Vice President Biden
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Los Angeles Clippers won the lottery for NBA first pick.
Apparently, as opposed to the late Saddam Hussein, the Clippers love to accumulate weapons of mass deception.
For more, see
Labels: Blake Griffin, Los Angeles Clippers, NBA, NBA draft lottery, Number One pick, Oklahoma, overall pick
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tony Kornheiser's fear of flying lands John Gruden in MNF booth.
Another MNF analyst suffering from fear of flying? How come guys who suffer from fear of flying syndrome end up in MNF booth, covering, and most the time criticizing 300 plus pounds athletes flying all over the field and hitting each other after flying in from all different places?
For more, see
Labels: ESPN, ESPN Monday Night Football, John Gruden, MNF, NFL, Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Monday, May 18, 2009
Jon Gruden to replace Tony Kornheisher on Monday Night Football.
Everyone remembering your infamous statement back in 2007 in which you declared: " I don't watch ESPN. I don't believe half the [expletive] people on the channel, personally – no disrespect.", has this to say to you John: " We do not watch ESPN, period. It does not make no [expletive] difference that you work there now - no disrespect.-"
For m0re, see
Labels: ESPN, ESPN Monday Night Football, Jon Gruden, Monday Night Football, NFL, Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Friday, May 15, 2009
Statue of Liberty crown to reopen to the public on July 4.
In an unrelated note, Madonna released a statement making sure that the world knows that she has been always open.
For more, see
Labels: July 4, NYC, Statue of Liberty, Statue of Liberty reopening
Air Force One photo shoot incident costs White House official his job.

Now, like any good model, Air Force One is looking to hire a new modeling agency to represent it.
Labels: Air Force, Manhattan flyover, President Obama, White House
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Homeless in New York City are being charged rent.
The amount is said to vary but not to exceed 50 percent of a family's income.
As if they were not homeless enough, the new measure is going to make these homeless really homeless now.
For more, see
Labels: homeless charged for rent., Homeless shelters, Mayor Bloomberg, NYC
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
US postal Services to offer Simpsons stamps.
Commenting on the news, the executive director of stamp services for the US postal service said excitedly: "Bart Simpson , who is known to collect stamps, will serve as a great opportunity to interest youngsters into collecting."
To0 bad for the US postal service Bart Simpson does not have a Myspace page so to be friended by youngsters.
For more, see
Labels: Bart Simpson, Homer Simpson, Lisa Simpson, Maggie Simpson, The Simpsons, US Postal Services
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Chrysler offers discounts up to $6,000 on new cars.
Hey, if you don't mind being on the phone for an hour and half with Vice President Biden every time you need some work done on that Chrysler car, what not to like with this deal ?
For more, see DetroitFree
Labels: bankruptcy, Chrysler, federal government warranties, new cars deals, u.s. government offers discounts for new cars., Vice President Biden
Monday, May 11, 2009
Afghan president chooses two ex-warlords as running mates.

For the incoming August 20 presidential elections, Afghan president Hamid Karzai has chosen two ex mujahedeen warlords to be his two vice-president running mates.
In case you were wondering, "why two vice-presidents on the same ticket?" This makes perfect sense given the rate at which peoples are blown over in Afghanistan, you can never have enough vice-presidents ready to step in at any given moment.
For more, see
Labels: Afghanistan, August 20 elections, president Karzai, running mates
Obama gets laughters at White Correspondents dinner.
Attending his first White House dinner correspondents Saturday, President Obama brought the house down with some unsuspected sense of humor.
But in hindsight, his task was made easy by the White House former occupant who put it on the bring of collapse by cutting the corners.
Labels: President Obama, White House Correspondents dinner
Friday, May 8, 2009
Craiglist Killer and fiancee call off wedding.
Afterwards, she turned around and posted an ad on Craiglist looking for a new fiance.
For more, see
Labels: Boston, Craiglist killer
Obama looking to crack down on tax havens.
That should not be too difficult given the fact that the first known tax havens is the room that serves as holding area for his nominees to various cabinets.
For more, see
Labels: offshore tax havens crack down, President Obama
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Elisabeth Edwards describes husband affair in new book.
From that angle, it seems like john Edwards turned the tables around and was able to shoot first.
For more, see
Labels: Elisabeth Edwards, John Edwards, Resilience the book, Rielle Hunter
Elizabeth Edwards speaks out about John Edwards affair.
I think what she really means by that is "How in the world did she lived for so long with such a narcissistic moron and be totally clueless? "
For more, see
Labels: Elisabeth Edwards, Elisabeth Edwards Oprah Interview., John Edwards, Oprah Show, Oprah Winfrey
Banks stress test results are due today.
So last night, on the eve of the big day, Bank of America and Citigroup CEOs felt nervous and decided to go out on the town, get drunk and blow some taxpayers money.
For more, see
Labels: Bank of America, Banks bailout, Citigroup, President Obama, TARP money
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
President Obama and Vice President Biden left the White House yesterday and went to lunch together to a independently owned burger joint in Virginia. They took numbers, stood in line, ordered and paid in cash out of their own pockets and then sit down and eat their meals.
Yeah after just 100 days on the job trying to turn around this economy, they are already nostalgic of a country they used to live in called the United States of America.
For more see
Labels: Hamburger lunch, President Obama, Vice President Biden
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
More mobile devices are being wiretaped.
So next the time you are talking on your cell phone and find yourself asking the person on the other end, if he or she can hear you, the snoopers could minus well answer yes to your inquire.
For more, see
Labels: Mobile wiretaps
Monday, May 4, 2009
"Swine flu" overtakes "American Idol" as the most searched term.
With the infection rate seeming to have plateaued and no cohort of Americans dropping dead in the streets from the disease, cable news outlets woke up this morning feeling the blues.
Labels: American Idol, Swine flu, Tweeter, Yahoo
China quarantines dozen of Mexican travelers.
Can you believe that? Mexican officials showing sensibility and urging their citizens to stay away from another country? I guess that holds true only as long as the country name is not the United States of America.
For more, see
Labels: China, outbreak, Swine flu, Visit to Mexico
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