Monday, April 27, 2009
Pentagon puts focus on cyberattacks.
To reach that goal, the Pentagon plans to increase the number of cyber experts it can train each year from 80 to 250 by 2011.
250 cyber experts by 2011? Are you kidding me? They could hire an army of cyber experts by turning to the gazillion of social networks users who toil the Internet daily for free.
Labels: Cybersafety, social networks, The Pentagon
Ohio woman guilty of stealing hay from City police horses.
Are things that bad in Cincinnati?
For more, see
Labels: Cincinnati Ohio
Friday, April 24, 2009
Fighter jet program computer system breached.
But now the Pentagon is saying not to worry, cause they have upgraded their system from Vista to Windows 7.
For more, see
Labels: Joint Strike Fighter, Pentagon, spies
Jay Leno to do a second free "Comic Stimulus" show.
Is Jay Leno becoming the new All American Whore going around the country and stimulating everybody?
For more, see
Labels: Jay Leno, NBC, Tonight Show, Wilmington Ohio
Blagojevich denied permission to leave the country.
The circus surrounding Ron Blagojevich could not have been complete without his famous hair getting into the act. Now their are rumors circulating around Chicago that his hair has filed a formal complaint claiming to be the real celebrity and wanting to be set free.
For more, see Chicago Sun
Labels: "I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here.", Costa Rica, Former Illinois governor Ron Blogojevich
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Somali pirate appeared in court in New York City.
In an brazen act that only a pirate can pull, he turned to one of his guard during his hearing and asked where can he pick up a hooker on his way out.
For more, see BBC
Labels: Somali pirate
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
U.S. engaged in jamming of Taliban' Web and radio links.
In another word, the U.S. will make sure that those remote areas in those two countries remain as such: No radio or Internet.
For more, see
Labels: Afghanistan, new strategy., Pakistan, President Obama, Taliban
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
US to boycott UN conference on racism.
On Sunday, President Obama said that he "would love" to participate in a conference about racism and discrimination, but not in one with the baggage of the previous gathering, referring to the first such conference held eight years ago in South Africa, which the U.S. had boycotted also.
Then he turned around and said:" Look at me!.There is no racism here."
For more , see
Labels: Geneva Conference on racism 2009, President Obama, United Nations
As violence goes down, vices return in Baghdad streets.
It sounds like the surge has worked some magic.
For more, see
Labels: Baghdad, vices, violence
Monday, April 20, 2009
Two Al Qaeda leaders waterboarded 266 times, CIA memos indicate.
Using waterboarding 266 times on two peoples to get them to talk? If you have to torture in the name of Americans people, at least be efficient at it.
Labels: Al Qaeda, CIA memos, Waterboarding
Oprah joins Twitter
She then turned around and gave away a coffee maker that automatically sends a twitt every time you turn it on, to every member of her audience.
For more see,
Labels: Oprah Winfield, Twitter
Friday, April 17, 2009
John Madden to retire from Sunday Night Football.
On Sundays for now on, if you want to hear an old man mumbling and struggling with the English language, you will really have to take that phone call from your drunken uncle.
For more, see
Labels: John Madden, NFL, Sunday Night Football
New Jersey to issue special decals for teenagers drivers.
Highway Safety officials say the new measure will help police enforce restrictions imposed on new drivers.
This new measure leaves wondering : "When will they come up with an official vehicle decal identifying idiots drivers of all ages? "
For more , see
Labels: New Jersey, vehicle decals for young drivers.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
President Obama in Mexico
Talking to his hosts, Mr Obama said that after months dealing with Wall Street, he knows a little about dealing with gangs.
Labels: President Obama, Visit to Mexico
Thursday, April 9, 2009
For more Americans, quality time with loved ones is more important.
Yeah! It makes perfect sense. With most American broke, jobless, and their dream homes taken away, all they have left is that uncle that used to annoy the hell out of them around the family Thanksgiving dinner, or that old pal that used to drop by unannounced.
Original reporting in
Labels: Economic Crisis, MetLife, quality of life
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
U.S. to take tougher actions against mortgage fraudsters.
Yeah, after they let the big fishes got away easy, now is the time to throw the books at some scam artists who try to pick up some road kills after Wall Street big feeding frenzy.
For more, see
Labels: Homes foreclosures, Mortgage crisis, U.S. Treasury
GM teaming up with Segway to develop a two wheeled.
From providing Cadillac Escalade to movies stars and the rich and famous to equipping parking lots attendants and mall security with Segways, what a way to go down GM!
for more, see
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
5 ships hijacked over weekend by Pirates.
It seems like the hijackers are back from their spring break, well rested.
For more, see
Labels: Golf of Aden, hijacks, pirates, Somalia
Madonna denied adoption bid in African country.

Labels: Madonna, Malawi adoption bid denied.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Bill proposal to cap heat-trapping gases.
But I think former President Bush beat them all to the punch by putting the country in the path of rapid deindustrialisation.
For more, see NY
Labels: Heat-trapping bill, U.S. Congress
New York University April Fools' Day acceptations.
About an hour later, the school sent out corrective letters to the applicants.
No need to feel bad for the applicants; like the rest of us, every day in this country looks like April Fools' Day since last Fall.
For more, see
Labels: April Fools' Day, University of New York
Friday, April 3, 2009
Obama faces tough challenge at the G-20 Summit
You know you are too old when you lived long enough to witness France and Germany banding together to shoot against the U.S.
For more, see
Labels: Angela Merkel, G-20 Summit, London, Nicholas Sarkozy, President Obama
Iowa Supreme Court overturns ban on same sex marriages.
Who said that Iowa was not edgy? Take that Hollywood.
For more, see
Labels: gay marriage, Iowa Supreme Court
Sweden to allow same-sex marriages.
OK, with only five countries in Europe and three states in the U.S. allowing same-sex marriages, this is definitively a boring race that neither want to win.
Labels: gay marriage, Sweden allows same-sex marriages
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Bill proposal to end ban on travel to Cuba.
In his remarks, the Senator sponsor of the bill said : "Our policy with Cuba punishes Americans by restricting their rights to travel."
So as if the stinking economy was not punishing enough, Americans will be punished more by being allowed to travel to Cuba.
Labels: Cuba travel ban, Proposal Senate Bill
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Higher taxes for richest proposed in New York.
But the only problem is that with the meltdown in Wall Street and the massive U.S. bailout, regular taxpayers who are footing the bill, are the only wealthy left.
For more see,
Labels: income taxes increase, New York
Another Obama nominee faces taxes problems.
At this rate, I think Obama's next big reform should be titled : " No Taxes Left Behind."
Labels: cabinet nomination, Kathleen Sebelius, President Obama
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