Friday, July 31, 2009
Los Angeles county is sued for failing to regulate condoms use in pornography industry
According to the plaintiff, "county officials should require condom use in the production of pornography."
Here we go again: Government officials failling to do their jobs, even it is as simple as watching porn all day.
For more, see
Labels: adult films, adult movies, California porn, HIV, porn movies, Porn star, pornography actress, pornography movies, sexually transmitted desases, STD
Thursday, July 30, 2009
New 7 Natural Wonders open for voting.
But for the ones of you looking to vote for that thing on Donald Trump head, you will be disappointed: it did not make the final cut.
For more, see
Labels: 7 natural wonders, 7 wonders, Donald Trump., pick 7 natural wonders, world 7 wonders,
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Michael Vick is put into a transitional plan for reinstatement.
In announcing his plans, the commissioner said that Michael had been subject to a battery of tests by some animals-rights groups to determine " if he can make a transition forward."
Now the real challenge lays ahead for Michael Vick :pass the temperament test and find a good home.
For more, see
Labels: Commissioner Roger Goodell, dog fighting, football fans, football season, Michael Vick, NFL, NFL fans, PETA, Roger Goodell, season tickets, SPCA
Louis Gates arrest fallout still lingers in the White House.
Just a week ago, who could have thought that such a land mine would be discovered in the White House and Vice President Joe Biden would not have nothing to do with it?
For more, see
Labels: Cambridge police, Cambridge professor, Gates arrest, Harvard professor, Harvard scandal, Henry Louis Gates Jr, police arrest, President Obama, professor arrest, racial profiling
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
One of International Space Station's toilets is broken.
As it turns out, it seems like the international space station and Greyhound bus have a lot in commmon, they just keep going around with broken toilets and a long line of people waiting to use them.
Labels: International Space Station, NASA, Shuttle Endeavour
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sarah Palin farewell speech.
In a farewell speech on Sunday, her last day in office, ex Alaska governor Sarah Palin took some parting shots against the media or as she called it, "for or to some in the media" who "represent what could and should be a respected and honest profession that could and should be a cornerstone of our STOP MAKIN THINGS UP!!!"
With such a riveting speech, it seems like American Idol has found a worthy replacement to Paula Abdul.
For more, see
Labels: Alaska governor, ex Alaska governor, GOP 2012, new Alaska gov., new Alaska governor, presidential elections 2012, quiter governor, Sarah Palin, Sean Parnell
Friday, July 24, 2009
SEC lawsuit against Marc Cuban dismissed.
I knew it was just a matter of time before finally a call went the way of the exuberant owner.
For more, see
Labels: Dallas Federal District Court, Dallas Mavericks,, Marc Cuban, Marc Cuban lawsuit, NBA, SEC, SEC appeal., SEC complaint, SEC lawsuit, Security and Exchange Commission
Thursday, July 23, 2009
U.S. auto brands score highest mark in appeal.
How appealing are these new or redesigned cars when no one seems to notice?
For more, see
Labels: APEAL score, auto industry, J.D. Power Associates, J.D. Power's average APEAL score, new cars, new cars deals, redesigned models
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Michael Vick finished his dog-fighting sentence
Now, he has the biggest fight of his life ahead of him: to convince the NFL biggest dog that he belongs.
For more, see
Labels: Commissioner Roger Goodell, dog fighting, electronic monitoring, Football commmissioner, football season season, football veteran, home confinement, Michael Vick, NFL, NFL commissioner, training camp
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
George Orwell books erased from Amazon's Kindle.
Fair warning to all bootleg lovers: The next time you purchase an illegal copy of an hot item on the site, Amazon will break into your place and take it back.
For more, see
Labels: 1984, Amazon books,, Animal Farm, download, e-reader, electronic books, George Orwell, George Orwell books, illegal copies, illegal download, Kindle, Kindle book reader
Monday, July 20, 2009
Massachusetts is suing the U.S. government over gay marriage.
Look out for a new revolt in Massachusetts: wedding cake party.
Labels: federal defense of marriage act, gay benefits, gay lawsuit, gay marriage, heteosexual couples, Massachuassetts attorney general, Massachusetts, Massachussetts gay lawsuit, same sex marriage, Same-Sex
Friday, July 17, 2009
Swearing found to be a pain reliever.
As it turns out, health insurance companies are looking out for us every time they denied us coverage and make us swear like like drunken sailors.
Labels: Britain's Keele University, journal NeuroReport, pain management, pain-lessening effect., school of psychology, swearing, swearing and pain
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Dieting monkeys live a longer healthier life.

Canto, left, a 27-year rhesus monkey, is on restricted diet while Owen, 29, is not.
A new study by a team of researchers at the University of Wisconsin just released last week, claims that rhesus monkeys kept on a special restrictive diet called calorie restriction, which contains 30 percent fewer calories than usual, live a longer and healthier life than those on a normal diet. The results published in the journal Science, suggest that people could in principle, benefit from the same diet. When asked for her thoughts about the findings, Kristie Alley said: "Keep me out of it; I'm a human not a monkey."
For more, see NYTimes.comLabels: calorie restriction diet, dieting monkeys, healthier life, healty lifestyle, Journal Science, live longer.,, University of Wisconsin
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Obama meets Pope.
At the end of their meeting,and after they exchanged gifts, president Obama quietly asked the Pope for a prayer to keep Vice President Bidden's tongue in check.
For more, see
Labels: 2009 G8 summit, abortion rights., embryonic stem cells, G8 summit, Italy G-8 summit, Obama and Pope, Obama in Vatican, Obama meets Pope, Pope Benedict XVI, Pope meets Obama, Vatican
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Pope calls for a new world economic order.
He called for the creation of a "true world political authority to oversee the economy and work for the common good."
He then turned around and returned to his gold plated mansion.
For more, see
Labels: charity in truth., G-8, G-8 summit, Italy G-8 summit, new world economic order, Pope Benedict XVI, Rome G-8 summit, third encyclical
Monday, July 13, 2009
Senator John Ensign's parents made payments to former mistress and her family.
In pure GOP tradition, that's what you call family values.
For more, see the
Labels: affair, GOP, mistress payments., Nevada senator, senator affair, senator from Nevada, Senator John Ensign
Friday, July 10, 2009
Israeli woman throws away a mattress paded with a million dollar.
Seeing the potential in her, the Democratic controlled U.S. Congress acted quickly to adopt her.
For more, see
Labels: Israeli, Israeli newspapers, Israeli woman, Israeli woman throws away $ 1 million dollar mattress, million dollar mattress
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Government and commercial Web sites in the U.S. and South Korea are target of attacks.
In the United States, the attacks targeted the White House Web site and those operated by major government agencies, including the departments of Homeland Security and Defense.
According to U.S. government officials, the attacks aimed to overwhelm those affected sites with phony access requests and therefore, deny access to legitimate ones.
So that's what they say. It could have been an inside j0b by the Obama administration trying to deny access to the mob of angry job seekers.
For more, see the
Labels: cyberattacks, department of defense, department of homeland security, North Korea, South Korea, U.S. goverment, White House, White House Web site
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
New York governor picks a lieutnant governor
In light of what is going on in the state of New York and the city of New York with all these latest power grab, Honduras seems like a constitutional role model.
For more, see
Labels: ex governor Spitzer, governor David Paterson, Mayor Bloomberg, New York, NYC
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
New Delhi High Court decriminalizes gay sex.
All of a sudden, an Indian vacation looks very appealing.
For more , see The
Labels: Gay, gay ban., gay Indians, gay partners, gay rights, gay sex, gays in India, Homosexuality, India gays, Lesbian, Same-Sex, same-sex mariage
Monday, July 6, 2009
Unemployment rate rises in June
The rising unemployment rate is affecting all but two states, North Dakota and Nebraska, the Wall Street Journal reports.
All of a sudden, North Dakota and Nebraska sound very sexy.
Labels: employment, job market, Labor Department, recession., U.S. unemployment, unemployment, unemployment benefits
Friday, July 3, 2009
US changes strategy in war against illegal drugs in Afghanistan.
According to the U.S. envoy in Afghanistan, "poppy eradication is a waste of money, was not working and was driving farmers into the hands of the Taliban.
Sounds like a simple plan. Convince farmers to give up a lucrative business and bring heroin users to try menthol cigarettes.
For more, see
Labels: Afghanistan, Afghanistan drug war, Afghanistan war, heroin trade, opium, opium trade, poppy war, U.N.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Mississipi is fattest in the nation.
It is said that overall, the South is the fattest region in the country.
The South ? The fattest ? Hardly a surprise there. Does anyone remember the law of gravity?
Labels: adult obesity, Alabama, healthy lifestyle, Mississippi, Nation fattest, obesity, obesity rates, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, state-by-state obesity rankings, Trust for America's Health, weight loss
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
New laws to take effect today in numerous states.
In Utah, they have passed a law lifting a 40 years practice that considered bars to be private clubs accessible only to members who have filled an application and paid a fee or to members' guests.
It is said that the ban is being lifted in an effort to lure tourists and make the state more appealing to businesses, reports the Baltimore Sun.
Watch out Vegas and New Orleans, you have some new competition from Utah.
Labels: July 1, legislation sessions., legislations, new laws, Ohio new laws, Utah new laws
President Obama said to be open for taxing health benefits.
What do you call such a move ? Another day in the office for a politician.
For more, see
Labels: health care bill, health care crisis, health care legislation., health care reform, President Obama, President Obama health care reform
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