Friday, September 12, 2008
Hugo Chavez creates new insult for his opponents.
What is the best use for Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez's time ? To come up with a new insult to describe his opponents. He lately devised the term "pitiyanquis" to mock everyone standing on his way, from political opponents, members of the elite class to businessmen from neighboring countries. And according to Spanish-language dictionaries, "pitiyanqui" is a mix of the French word "petit" or little with "yanqui" or someone who imitates Americans.
Waisting no time, today Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama started calling his opponent John McMcain, "pitiBush".
Waisting no time, today Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama started calling his opponent John McMcain, "pitiBush".
Labels: Barack Obama, Campaign 08, John McCain, pitiyanqui
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