Friday, November 28, 2008
New purification system on International Space Station fails.
What could be more exiting this holiday season than to enjoy drinking a cocktail made of your own sweat and urine mixed with the ones of strangers 200 miles above the earth?
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Labels: International Space Station, NASA, purification system
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Home foreclosures suspended by Fannie and Freddie for the holidays
Yeah! Otherwise, instead of Santa, it would have been the repo man coming down from the chimney at any moment.
Original story in
Labels: Fannie Mae, foreclosures suspensions, Freddie Mac, mortgages modification
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Babies happier when forward-facing seated in a stroller.
That makes sense for those babies not to see a crash coming specially if the parent is a bad driver.
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Labels: Forward-facing seated babies, stollers, stress
Actress Salma Hayek is addicted to breastfeeding

In that interview, she said : " I am like an alcoholic... I don't care... I can't stop."
After hearing her pleas, some grown men were seen lining up in front of the actress home for a chance to be fed.
More pictures here of Hayek
Original Story in
Labels: Breasfeeding, Salma Hayek, Style magazine
Monday, November 24, 2008
Online rage forces Johnson&Johnson to pull Motrin Ad.
Boy, a not so family company.
Original Story in
Labels: Johson and Johnson, Motrin, Twitter, YouTube
South Carolina prison to jam cellphones service
The jamming system is being provided by CellAntenna Corp a technology company based in Florida.
If the plan succeed, Cingular tagline of "more bars in more places" would be replaced by CellAntenna new tagline: "More bars in one place."
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Labels: CellAntenna, cellphones, FCC, jamming
Friday, November 21, 2008
Obama transition team receives 200,000 job applications.
The site invites job-seekers hoping to get hired for a White House or a position at any federal department, agency or commission to submit an “expression of interest” form as a first step. From there, they are asked to complete a more extensive application, and then wait to be called if needed.
I wonder if his crazy old pastor can reapply for his old gig ?
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Labels: job applications, Obama transition team, resumes
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Democrats pardon Senator Lieberman.
Labels: Democratic pardon, Senator Joe Lieberman
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
HBO to makes a documentary about Obama's presidential run.

It is just reported that HBO has just closed a seven-figure deal for U.S. rights to an untitled Barack Obama documentary produced by actor Edward Norton.
Will the documentary be called Obramo in a nod to the defunct Soprano series?
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Labels: Edward Norton, HBO, Obama documentary
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Astronaut loses tools bag during space walk.
At hindsight, lost bags is not confined to airlines only, it is universal.
Original Story in
Labels: International Space Station, lost tools bag, NASA
Michael Jackson sued iby Sheikh for $7 million

The son of the King of Bahrain is suing Michael Jackson in a London courtroom for the repayment of $7 million he said were given to him as an advance for an album and an autobiography he never delivered.
For his part, Michael Jackson contends the money was a gift and he is looking not to testify in court because of illness.
My advice to that generous Sheikh; "Go get your head checked."
Original Story in
Labels: Bahrain Sheikh, London lawsuit, Michael Jackson
Monday, November 17, 2008
Same-Sex heart transplants produce fewer rejections.
The study of more than 18,000 operations found death rates rose by a fifth above average levels if it was a woman who had received a man's heart, while same -sex transplants had lower rejection rates.
Same-sex transplants had lower rates of rejection over the next few years.
Labels: fewer rejections., Heart transplants, Same-Sex
Friday, November 14, 2008
California conducts a drill for the Big One.
Hey, the Big One is already here with the wave of home foreclosures.
Labels: Big One drill, California, home foreclosures
Sean Diddy Combs to lunch a new fragrance inspired by Obama.

Riding the waves of Obama recent victory, Sean "Diddy" Combs is planning to lunch a new men's fragrance called "I am King", next month. Describing his newest product which will sell for $57, "Diddy" said : "When you see Barack Obama, you see a strong, elegant black man and when people see my ad, it's almost like that's the trend."
Forget about the fragrance Diddy, I think your fragrance name and the marketing wordings would go better with a line of underwear.
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Labels: I am King, new fragrance, Sean Diddy Combs
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Bulging waist lines is indicator of premature death.

According to a report published in this week's New England Journal of Medicine, a bulging waistline may be a stronger predictor of premature death than a person's overall weight. The report is the result of a large -scale European study with researchers tracking nearly 360,000 men and women in nine European countries for close to a decade.
What do Europeans know about obesity? To be credible, this study should have been made here in the U.S.A.
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Labels: Bulging waist lines, premature death.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
China announces $586 billion bailout plan.
My sense is telling me the goverment will spent the money on steroids for its people so they can produce more junks to be dumped into the U.S.
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Labels: China' s $586 billion economic stimulus plan.
World first all organic bar opens in New York City.
Are the female bartenders organic too? Which means no breast implants and hair extensions ?
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Labels: First all organic bar opens in New York City.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Nebraska voters say no to affirmative action.
But do not worry about the three black families living in Nebraska: They were all adopted by Angelina Jolie and are reportedly very happy.
Original story in the
Labels: Affirmattive action voted down in Nebraska
Sarah Palin sorting through piles of clothes.
As it turns out, saying yes to that bridge would have created less headaches than saying yes to these freebies.
Original story in the
Labels: Sarah Pailin clothes controversy.
Monday, November 10, 2008
End of mission for NASA Mars Phoenix lander.

NASA announced today that its Mars lander Phoenix, is officially dead after five months and more than 25,000 images sent to earth. They said the cause of death is diminished sunlight due to seasonal change and consequently an absence of power source for its solar panels. NASA officials said the last signal received from the lander was on November 2.
Too bad that Joe the Plumber was not available sooner, busy he was trying to rescue another mission.
Original story in digg story
Labels: NASA Mars Phoenix lander is dead.
Obama puppy choice captivating the nation.
When he appeared at a news conference for the first time since winning the elections, reporters could not help but to ask president elect Obama if the family has settled yet in what kind of dog they are going to get.
He answered them by saying that that question is the number one topic in his Web site and is the subject of intense discussion in his household.
Great! That means all the economic troubles are way behind us now.
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Labels: Obama's family puppy
Barney bites White House reporter's fingers
After an event in the White House on Thursday, one of the reporters covering the event spotted Barney the first dog and bent over trying to pet it. That's when the Scottish terrier snapped and sank its teeth into the reporter's fingers, breaking the skin.
His owner may be a lame -duck president, but Barney just showed that it still has bite.
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Labels: Barney bites reporter in White House
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Burglar Breaks Into Store To Have Sex With Mannequins

In Germany, a burglar broke into a department store and was found the next morning tucked up in bed with three of the store plastic mannequins.
Is the economy that bad in Germany that people are unable to pay hookers even with plastic, and are forced to have sex plastic models?
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Labels: Sex with mannequins
Friday, November 7, 2008
Hackers broke into White House computers.
The officials also said that the hackers gained access to both the U.S. president candidates campaigns computer networks.
What! Are the Chinese been living in a different planet? With the damages done to the U.S. economy by eight years of Bush, I do not think there is any secret worth stealing in the White House.
For more, see
Labels: White House computer system attacked by hackers
Pig's organs soon available for human transplants.

So pretty soon, if you are a pig's organ recipient and someone tells you that you eat like a pig, you should not feel offended but sees it as a compliment
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Labels: Pig's organs for humans
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Software executive guilty of killing 32 bison.
With such foray onto the public eye for the wrong reason, it may be safe to say that this software executive is far from becoming the next Bill Gates.
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Labels: Software executive found guilty of killing 32 bison
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
U.S. presidential elections are over.
Labels: Campaign 08, Joe the plumber.
John McCain conceds defeat.
Now he is not kidding when says he is suspending his campaign to go take a nap.
Labels: Campaign 08, McCain conceds to Obama
Obama wins the race to the white house
Now the busiest people in America will be grief counselors which are in very high demand for counseling by people suffering from post elections depression.
Labels: Campaign 08, Obama wins the presidential race.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Obama projected to win Ohio
It is fair then to say that Ohio went Obama, or to be hip, Obamahio.
Labels: Campaign 08, Obama wins Ohio
Monday, November 3, 2008
Obama's aunt living in the U.S. illegally
Wow! Here is someone running for the highest office in the land and who is unaware of his own aunt living here illegally; how in the world would he be able to rein in 22 millions more illegals living here.
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Labels: Campaign 08, Obama's aunt in the U.S. illegally
Obama's 30 minutes TV Ad drew huge numbers.
Given these numbers, thanks God that the elections are held before the Super Bowl otherwise Obama would have bought the entire half time show.
Labels: Campaign 08, Obama 30 minutes TV Ad ratings
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