Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Girls as good as boys in math.
A new study by the University of Wisconsin found that girls perform as well as boys on standardized math tests from elementary to high school. The study findings are a contrast from results from 20 years ago which concluded that girls fared poorly in math in high school.
The lesson here , for women to collect fat divorce settlement checks , they have to know how to count first.Labels: girls and math study, University of Wisconsin
Panda baby boom.
Over the weekend, four giant panda cubs were born within 14 hours at a breeding facility in China. The breeding center is still in a state of pandamonium , uh!!! pandemonium as it not yet clear if all the newborns are fathered by the same culprit.
Labels: China, pandas
Monday, July 28, 2008
Former Google staffs launch rival search engine.
Two former Google engineers and a former IBM engineer are the three most prominent founders of a new Internet search engine called Cuil -pronounced "cool"- set to launch today. The start-up claim to have indexed 120billion web pages or three times more than Google and is using a different approach to search by ranking pages by their content and not by their popularity. Also, the results are presented differently , looking more like a magazine -style layout rather than a long list of links like on Google.
In case you were wondering which language in hell does cuil comes from ? The founders said it is from the Gaelic - Celtic- word meaning "knowledge" ; and interestingly, it was named Cuill until today when they shaved one of the l. Go figure.
To you Cuil founders, forget all the bragging about this and that and just keep this in mind : after getting the giant's attention , you better deliver and deliver quick. If not , you are just one letter away from a PR disaster : Cuil without the " i " become Cul and you know what that means in French : Ass.Labels: Cuil, Google
FCC to find Comcast guilty of blocking Web videos.
In a ruling expected this Friday , the FCC is expected to rule against Comcast for slowing some of its customers' Internet traffic. The company has admitted the allegations but said it was doing it to prevent some bandwidth hogs -particularly those using file-sharing services like BitTorrent -, from taxing its network.If left unchallenged or upheld in court after a challenge , the FCC decision will affirm the agency authority in the heart of the net neutrality debate.For now at least, it seems like their can only be one cop when it comes to Internet traffic.Labels: Comcast, FCC, Web videos
NFL, NBC to experiment Football online.
The NFL and NBC are scheduled t o announce today, a plan to stream live , 17 regular season games that air also on NBC. It is said that the experiment is an attempt by the NFL to demonstrate how much value there is in the online rights to its games.To put it in simpler terms , the NFL is trying to develop another breast on a already over- milked cow. Labels: N.F.L, NBC
Chrysler to get out of the auto leasing business.
Chrysler announced on Friday that it is exiting the auto leasing business as of August 1 but promised to offer discounts to many customers who financed a vehicle through its leasing program so they would end up paying the same monthly payments as if they have stayed in a lease. On Thursday, Ford announced a $2.1billion write-down in the second quarter related to unprofitable leases from its financing division.Who can blames Chrysler knowing that its gas guzzling trucks and SUV resale values are less than the one of their full tank of gas.Labels: Chrysler, Ford
Sarkozy almost endorses Obama.
At a rare joint news conference at the Elysee Palace in Paris on Friday , a visibly excited French President almost endorsed Obama when he replied to a question about who he was favoring. Here is his answer: "If he is chosen as president, then France will be delighted . And if it's somebody else, then France will be a friend of the United States."That presents a tough dilemma for U.S. voters. Make France delighted or just happy.Labels: Campaign 08, Obama in France
McCain meets with Dalai Lama
While Sen Barack Obama was wrapping up his world tour with a stop in France, Sen. John McCain met with the Dalai Lama on Friday in Aspen Colorado to discuss according to a McCain aide, "issues of mutual concern."Yeah! I think that one of those mutual concerns was : What is the top ten best places to retire.Labels: Campaign 08
Comics Convention ever popular.
The Comic-Con International Fantasy Convention , the world largest of its kind , held over the weekend in San-Diego , is believed to have drawn more than 125,000 to the yearly fest of Comics , Sci-Fi , superhero , vampire , cartoons movies and their fanatics.Now the world is waiting for the start of the two biggest Comical Conventions starting politicians characters playing themselves. Labels: Comic-Con Convention
Britney to pay Kevin Federline, $20,000 a month.
In a final agreement filled in Los Angeles County Court on Friday, Britney Spears will pay ex hubby Kevin Federline, $20, 000 a month in child support for the care of the their two children in his custody . The amount is $5,000 more than a previous agreement from last year.To everyone that had doubts about Mr. Federline business acumen , this latest settlement should put those to rest. The guy was able to have the expected payments adjusted to reflect the state of the economy.Labels: Britney Spears, Kevin Federline
Indiana Jones star arrested on DUI.
Shia LaBeouf starting in the movie "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull " was arrested early Sunday and released for drunk driving and causing an accident in West Hollywood. This is his second arrest in less than a year. In November, he was charged with criminal trespassing after an altercation with a security guard at a Walgreens store in Chicago.The question that comes to mind regarding his first arrest , certainly, is : "What is a Indiana Jones movie star doing in a Walgreens store in the first place?"Labels: Indiana Jones, Shia LaBeouf
Thursday, July 24, 2008
House rescue bill passed by House of Representives
On yesterday, the House of Representatives passed the housing rescue bill meant among others things, to let an estimated 400,000 home owners refinance their loans into affordable government -backed ones.As one can put it, the representatives in the Big Brothers House coming to the rescue of the little ones.Labels: house rescue bill, U.S. Senate
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Elbow injuries more prevalent.
A study by the American Sports Medicine Institute revealed that elbow injuries are on the rise among young athletes , which they say reflects that more children are focusing on just one sport.What is the sport in question if you may ask ? Holding the TV remote control and the video games consoles.Labels: Kids elbow injuries
Waste Management offer to buy rival.
Waste Management Inc , the industry leader offered to buy rival and No.3 in the business, Republic Services Inc for more than $6 billion. These latest offer follows Republic own deal to buy the No.2 in the industry, Allied Waste Industries.According to some experts, these flurry of activities are a proof of a strong garbage industry despite the U.S. economy slow-down .Only in the garbage business , can the No.3 buy the No.2, only to be on the verge of being bought by the No.1.By the way, as the garbage business seems recession-proof, is it too late to jump on the garbage truck bandwagon ?Labels: Allied Waste Industries, Waste Management
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Obama hard to jock about for late night shows.
Despite the long and hard fought primary season , most late night shows still have hard times writing jocks about Senator Obama. One source close to the Late Night Show with David Letterman was quoted saying that "Obama is not buffoonish in any way , he is not a comical figure ." Another source tied to the Late Show with Connan O'brien candidly confessed : "We're hopping he picks an idiot as Vice President."
Who knew that the U.S. has been run by buffoons and idiots .
Original story in NYTimes.comLabels: Barack Obama, late night show, late show
Monday, July 14, 2008
High gas pices cut accident deaths.
A study by the University of Alabama found that higher gas prices could cut auto accident deaths by one third as driving decrease. With gas at $4 a gallon , researchers are expecting to see a drop of about 1,000 deaths a month.
But unfortunately , the skyrocket death rates from cardiac shock at the pump will offset any decline on the road.Labels: gas prices, University of Alabama
Yahoo reject Microsoft latest offer.
After five hours discussion at a meeting Saturday morning , Yahoo board of directors vigorously rejected Microsoft latest offer made Friday. The offer contained a proposal letting Microsoft buy Yahoo search business and give activist investor Carl Icahn and his chosen board , control of the rest of the company. In its reject ,Yahoo board called the proposal "ludicrous and the product of an opportunistic alliance between Mr Icahn and Microsoft that undervalued Yahoo assets." Labels: Microsoft, Yahoo
Online Ads expected to slow down.
With the sluggish U.S. economy , many analysts are expecting a slowing in the growth of online ads with most the drop coming from display ads.Upon hearing the news , online users everywhere went to MIDAS to buy more brake to further slow down the economy so to get rid once for all , of those pesky online banners ads.Labels: Online ads
New iphone went on sale, followed by silence.
After weeks of hype, the newest iPhone finally went on sale last Friday for thousands of enthusiasts in more than 20 countries including the U.S.A. But quickly, the excitement turned to nightmare as thousands who camped outside Apple stores for hours to be the first to get their hands on the new devices , could not activate them due to a network gridlock. Maybe Apple will learn from this experience and for the release of the next generation of iPhone , will include a Geek Squad member with any new phone sold.Labels: Apple, IPhone
Anheuser-Bush agrees to sell to InBev.
On Sunday night and for more than $52 billion , the maker of the King of Beers , agreed to sell itself to InBev , the Belgian beer maker.At the end of the day , the King of Beers is in the hands of the Belg King , how fittingly.Labels: Anheuser-Bush, InBev
For second year in a row, Miss USA felt.
During this year Miss Universe held over the week end in Vietnam , Miss USA from Texas Crystle Stewart , felt by tripping on the train of her gown while making her entrance during the evening gown competition. That is the second year in a row that the U.S representative falls at the Miss Universe competition. What is going on here ? Do these girls have a secret deal with Jack Daniels ?
Saturday, July 12, 2008
InBev on track to take over Anheuser-Bush.
Last night, after weeks of drama and masochism , Anheuser-Bush finally dropped its arms and agreed to be acquired by Belgian beer maker InBeb . They apparently succumbed to the last minute effort by InBev to raise its offer from $65 to $70 a share and the promise to give the Saint-Louis based beer maker, an equity value of $50 billion .So after all, this bud may be for them.Labels: Anheuser-Bush, InBev
Federal regulators seize IndyMac Bank.
After a memorable two weeks marked by a massive layoffs announcement and panicked customers rushing in to withdraw their savings at a tune of $100 million a day, Indy Mac Bancorp was finally seized yesterday evening by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which will operate it and try to sell it.Here is the million dollar question : are all those frightened customers going to come back now that a better banker , in the form of the US government , is in charge ? Labels: IndyMac Bancorp
US dispells rumors of possible nationalisation of Fannie and Freddie.
In a quick move yesterday, Treasury secretary announced that the US government has no immediate plans to bail out struggling mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by nationalizing them . In a statement , Hank Paulson declared : "Our primary focus is to support the two institutions as they carry out their important mission in their current form."
You know your holdings are not worth much when the mother of all guarantors , the US government , is dragging its feet to put you under its umbrella.Labels: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, mortgages
Friday, July 11, 2008
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under pressure.
Facing enormous pressure to raise fresh capital to offset the sharp drop in value of the numerous mortgages they hold , Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are driving the stock market down to new lows. Briefed on the severity of the pair situation , and thinking the two are a couple, president Bush quickly offered a remark with an air of I told you so: "This is why I opposed gay marriage in the first place."Labels: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Online ID card pushed by technology firms.
Some of the biggest names in Information Technology like Google, Microsoft and PayPal , are among the members founders of a new organization called The Information Card Foundation whose goal is to create a single industry wide method of managing users online identity.The idea behind the concept , is to allow peoples to log on to different Websites using a secure digital identity overseen by a third party , instead of different user IDs and passwords. ID thieves all around the world were very excited and welcomed the news with arms wide open ; with the American economy slowdown affecting their business, any new tool for them to add to their portfolio , is good news.Labels: Online ID Card, The Information Card Foundation
12,000 laptops lost every week at airports.
A new study by the Ponemon Institute found an estimated 12,000 laptops are lost every week by travelers in U.S. airports with only 33% of them being ever recovered.With these new findings combined with carriers cutting flights and laying off employees , pretty soon the airlines main business will be used computers resellers.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Government to redesign cars crash-test system.
On Tuesday, the U.S. government plans to annonce changes to the crash-test program for new cars and trucks . The core of the changes is to take a wider array of collision -avoidance technologies into consideratioon , making the results more meaningful for new cars buyers.What that means is, the next time you are wasted , if your new set of wheels can not sense that and take the keys away from you , that vehicle will not make the grade.Labels: new vehicles crash-test ratings
GM looking to unload some brands.
After years of resisting to get rid off under performing vehicle brands , General Motors is now contemplating the idea. What a difference $4 / gallon gas can make : not even a year ago , GM was vowing to never offer significant rebate on its cars again , but now, not only those rebates are back with a vengeance , you can even buy a whole GM brand.Labels: GM
Pittsburgh Steelers is being shoped arround.
A disagreement between the five sons of the Pittsburgh Steelers founder and their heir , is leading to talks about the family selling the team. In a statement issued yesterday, the team said that the Steelers Chairman Dan Rooney, the oldest of the founder's five sons, want to buy out some of his four brothers who want to get out of the NFL , and keep the team in the city.In case you were wondering why would anyone want to part with such a storied franchise in the lucrative business that is the NFL , well some reports suggest that some of the brothers and their heirs want to put their focus on their racetracks ownership among others things.Me , I am suspecting a more logical reason : with metal prices reaching record highs, the team can fetch more sold as scrap , than the NFL revenues sharing can provide.Labels: Pittsburgh Steelers
InBev names Anheuser replacement Board.
Belgian beer maker InBev is increasing the heat on Anheuser-Bush to accept its unsolicited bid to buy the American icon. After different strategies failed to produce the desired result, now InBev is trying a radical approach : name its own board of directors to replace the actual Anheuser board. And curiously , the proposed new board include a member of the Bush family : an uncle of the seating CEO, August Bush IV, to be precise.You thought your last family reunion was full of dramas , think again . What if the feud revolved around who will control the beer ? Labels: Anheuser-Bush, Budweiser, InBev
Microsoft in a proxy fight to oust Yahoo Board.
The on again off again Microsoft courtship of Yahoo took a new and bizarre turn yesterday when the former declared its interest to reopen take-over talks of the Internet search company but only with the condition that a new board is installed. One person that could not be happier about the Microsoft announcement , is activist investor Carl Icahn who since May, has been working really hard to oust Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang and the entire board and replace them with peoples of his choosing.Heading to Yahoo annual meeting scheduled in August 1st , expect to hear more and more Mr Cahn's claims that he is leading in the superdelegates count. Labels: Microsoft, Yahoo
Second Life Avatars land in another world.
Linden Lab, creator of the online fiction world Second Life , is poised to announce today that some of the avatars populating that universe, have successfully landed in a separate world , different than their.
It is thought that the leading persona of those avatars is a aspiring singer/actress named Paris Hilton.Labels: Avatars, Linden Lab
Online targeted Ads worrie Lawmakers.
The Commerce , Science and Transportation Committee of the U.S. Senate is worried enough about ever increasingly popular online targeted advertising , that it plans to hold a hearing on the subject , tomorrow. Targeted ads , using technologies developed by two leading companies , NebuAD and Phorm , is particularly appealing to cable and phone companies . With NebuAd technology, these companies will be able to track their subscribers online activities and sell the high prized data to advertisers. With these new tools, if you are a guy watching a Victoria Secret lingerie show online , don't be alarmed about your manhood if some slick ads for female lingerie start invading your screen the next day.Labels: NebuAd, Targeted advertising

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