Monday, December 1, 2008


10 Reasons why Hilary would be a terrific Secretary of State.

1- Obama does not have to worry about her spending $150,000 worth of pantsuits with the Department credit cards.
2- Her husband Bill would not mind having her away too long too often.
3-She knows all the male foreign leaders' secret girlfriends.
4- She knows how to throw the kitchen sink.
5-She is experienced in dodging snipers fire.
6-She can hang with all the world bad boys in any neighborhood bar.
7-She has been in more than half of the world countries and can see the rest of them from her kitchen.
8-When she ran out of conflict to resolve, she would make up one and solve it.
9-She is already Secretary of State at home.10-
10-She loves 3 AM phone calls.

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May I add No 11:
Get her exhausted trying to solve the Israeli -Palestinian conflict so that she won't have no energy left to try to challenge me in 2012.
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